
  • 2014/05/23(周五) 16:00(+0800) ~ 2014/05/27(周二) 17:00(+0800) ( iCal/Outlook, Google 日曆 )
  • 交通大學六家校區傳播與科技學系HK206室 / 竹北市六家五路一段1號
  • 8 / 30
  • 陽明交通大學傳播與認知實驗室 聯絡主辦單位

講題On Grounding Human Communication with Human-Computer Interaction Designs 
日期:103年5月26日,中午12:00 ─ 13:20
地點:客家文化學院 HK206
講者:清華大學資工系王浩全 教授

Basic research in social and cognitive sciences suggest that the nature of human cognition and communication is not all symbolic or abstract. While language and logics play important roles in human processes like thinking and conversation, these processes are nevertheless grounded on people's perceptions and interactions with the external physical and social world. The insight has a potentially rich space of research and development in human-computer interaction. In this talk, I'll present a quick overview of sampled recent work that we're pursuing in the Collaborative and Social Computing Lab at NTHU. We focus on the study and design of tools for supporting the exchange and understanding of ideas in computer-mediated groups. Methodologically, we take an interdisciplinary approach where computing and behavioral sciences are closely linked and integrated.

Hao-Chuan Wang is an Assistant Professor at the Department of Computer Science and the Institute of Information Systems and Applications of National Tsing Hua University since February 2012. He received his Ph.D. in Information Science from Cornell University in 2011. He also studied and worked at the School of Computer Science, Carnegie Mellon University (2006-2008) and the Institute of Information Science, Academia Sinica (2004-2006) previously. Prof. Wang’s main research interest lies in the collaborative and social aspects of human-computer interaction (HCI). His work is characterized by a close integration of computing research and behavioral and social sciences for problem solving and value creation. His recent projects include designing and evaluating tools for supporting group creativity and cross-lingual communication, using motion sensors to study human communication and supporting language learning with visualization and mobile devices. He is an active participant of international and regional HCI communities, especially ACM SIGCHI. He serves a Program Co-Chair for Chinese CHI 2014, and Program Committee Associate Chairs for ACM CHI 2014 and ACM CSCW 2013, and one of the Demonstrations Co-Chairs for CSCW 2014. He is also one of the recipients of Google Research Awards on February 2014.
交通大學六家校區傳播與科技學系HK206室 / 竹北市六家五路一段1號


票種 販售時間 售價

2014/05/22 00:00(+0800) ~ 2014/05/26 12:00(+0800) 結束販售
  • 免費

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