2019 傳播科技系列講座:11/8(五)Authenticity at the Heart of Mediated Communication
講者:首爾大學傳播學系Eun-Ju Lee教授
Eun-Ju Lee教授(2000年,史丹福大學博士學位),是首爾大學傳播學系教授。研究專長為人機傳播與人機互動的社會認知與社會影響。目前已發表了60多篇經審閱的期刊文章和書籍章節,並獲得了國際傳播協會(ICA)、國家傳播協會(NCA)和新聞與大眾傳播教育協會(AEJMC)各個部門的多個頂尖論文獎。李教授為ICA東亞地區的代表會員(2009-2012),且為Journal of Communication與Human Communication Research的副主編。此外,李教授是Media Psychology的共同編輯,也是Human Communication Research的現任主編,並於2019年當選ICA研究員。
In this age of mis/disinformation or post-truth, authenticity seems to have become the new currency. As part of bigger questions, such as what renders a given communication act, as a whole, perceived to be real and true, and how such perception alters communication outcomes, this presentation will focus on perceived authenticity of interaction – the as-if feeling of real conversation with a mediated communicator. A series of research on politicians’ SNS-mediated communication will be introduced exploring several antecedents and consequences of perceived authenticity of interaction.
地點:國立交通大學 客家文化學院 HK115院會議室
時間:2019年11月8日(五)12:10 - 13:20
報名時間:即日起至2019年11月7日 00:00。
E-mail: ilovejinbo@nctu.edu.tw
電話: 03-571-2121 分機58693