2019 傳播科技系列講座:9/16 (一) Media Studies and Theories of Social Justice

2019 傳播科技系列講座:9/16 (一) Media Studies and Theories of Social Justice

講者:Thomas Hove


Thomas Hove (Ph.D. in American Literature, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 1998; Ph.D. in Mass Communications, University of Wisconsin, Madison, 2007) 為韓國漢陽大學傳播學院廣告與公共關係學系的教授。Hove教授的研究興趣包含大眾傳播社會學、公共領域理論、社會哲學、公共關係、健康傳播和媒體倫理等,尤其關注專業說服的倫理研究。其著作發表於Communication Theory, Mass Communication & Society, Public Health Ethics, Health Communication, Journal of Health Communication, Public Relations Review, Journal of Media Ethics等知名期刊。



In various fields of media studies, scholars have recently called for more recognition of the normative and ethical dimensions of media and communications research. This lecture will discuss the strengths and weaknesses of several research programs that aim to integrate normative theory with empirical research. One program recommends using normative theory to achieve greater transparency about the ethical, political, and social norms that inform empirical communications research — for example in political communication studies of deliberation, participation, and fragmentation, or in media effects research on unintended consequences of persuasive communications. Another program uses empirical discoveries of moral psychology to test the feasibility of normative expectations for how journalists and other media professionals should do their jobs. A third, “neo-Aristotelian” program aims to identify a core set of virtues that are specific to prosocial media practice but also globally applicable. Finally, in the Critical Theory tradition, the long-standing program has been to diagnose problems in social and public communication systems in order to achieve the normative goal of promoting democratic social ideals. After reviewing these approaches, this lecture will explain how they can be enhanced by theories of social justice which specify how media should be used to satisfy people’s material and psychological needs, guarantee their equal rights, and give proper desert to their achievements.

地點:國立交通大學 客家文化學院 HK115院會議室

時間:2019年09月16日(一)12:10 - 13:20

報名時間:即日起至2019年09月15日 00:00。



E-mail: ilovejinbo@nctu.edu.tw
電話: 03-571-2121 分機58693

交通大學客家文化學院 HK115院會議室 / 30272新竹縣竹北市六家五路一段一號


チケット種別 販売期間 価格
Normal Ticket

2019/09/06 00:00(+0800) ~ 2019/09/15 00:00(+0800) 販売終了
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