主題: 媒體多工無所不在:增進還是減損幸福感?
Pervasiveness of Media Multitasking and Effects on Well-Being
講者:Prabu David(美國密西根州立大學傳播藝術與科學學院院長)
地點:客家文化學院 HK115
內容簡介: With rapid advances in communication technologies, media multitasking has become a routine activity. In this talk, I will begin with a descriptive account of the pervasiveness of media multitasking among college-age students in the United States. Then using survey data and path models, I will discuss potential benefits and harms of pervasive multitasking on well-being, specifically from problematic use of mobile phones. Finally, I will offer a model of Motivated Threaded Cognition that accounts for media multitasking and a preliminary test of this model using eye-tracking data.